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AHDTS Dual-Transducer Test Stands

The ATDA test stand provides a dual range for testing both small and large tools on the same test stand. This series of test stands also allows for the testing of powered multipliers (rotary type tools) and hydraulic wrenches.

System accuracy is ±0.50% of indicated reading, top 95% of range satisfying metrology lab requirements while its robust features enables use in the harshest environments.

Intellect Series Transducers
The transducers embedded within the test stand are Intellect, plug and play, and self recognizing to the display instrument. The torque ranges available are from the smallest (25–500 ft-lb) to the largest (2,500–50,000 ft-lb). The ATDA Series offers transducer combinations that suit specific applications, including versions with rundown fixtures for testing and certifying rotary type tools.

Rotary Tool Testing
Powered multipliers incorporate a rundown fixture and usually, there is more height distance between the reaction arm and the transducer. This means that a bearing collar is required to reduce the effects of side loading, as illustrated on the left side of the image above.

Hydraulic Tool Testing
Hydraulic wrenches sit almost flush with the transducer and therefore do not require a collared bearing support as illustrated on the right side of the image above.

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AHDTS-5025 Dual-Transducer High-Capacity Test Stand for Testing Rotary and Hydraulic Tools 00 Request a Quote View Product